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  • What are Ironlight’s hours of operation and when can I view the venue?
    Our office hours are appointment based, please email or call 503-404-4545 to arrange a tour.
  • How many hours are included with the rental rate?
    Rental hours include all load in and load out of the event as well as event time. Minimum rental hours will vary seasonally and by day of the week. Morning weekday (Mon – Thurs): 8 AM to 2 PM All day weekday (Mon – Thurs): 8 AM to 6 PM Weeknight (Mon – Thurs) minimum 6 hour rental period Saturday: minimum 8-10 hour rental period Fridays & Sundays: minimum 6-8 hour rental period
  • Are the outside spaces included? What about partial buyouts?
    Ironlight offers only full buyouts of the venue, inclusive of all indoor and outdoor spaces.
  • Is parking included?
    Parking is included with the rental of the venue and is conveniently located under and behind the building. Ironlight can also assist you in arranging valet parking for your event and partners with Premiere Valet as a preferred vendor.
  • Is there a non-profit discount?
    Yes, we offer a 10% discount on the venue rental fee for 501(c)(3) organizations. Restrictions apply.
  • Do you provide wedding or event planning services?
    No, Ironlight provides a venue manager that will be present during your event for all facilities-revlated tasks (parking, security, valet, janitorial). A professional event planner is required to coordinate weddings to meet vendors and ultimately execute all event-related details. An event planner may be recommended for other high production events.
  • Can I use Ironlight for my wedding rehearsal?
    Wedding rates include a one hour rehearsal scheduled 2 weeks in advance of your wedding date based on availability.
  • What furniture is included with your venue rate?
    225 fruitwood folding chairs (wood with black seat); Sixteen 24” bistro tables; Ten 8’ rectangle tables; Eighteen 60” round tables; One speaker’s podium; Two 6’ custom mobile bars; Fourteen-piece modular indoor/outdoor lounge set.
  • Do you allow caterers not included on the preferred list?
    No. Only Ironlight’s catering partners can be used for events.
  • Can we tent the outdoor spaces?
    No, the City of Lake Oswego Fire Marshall will not allow the outdoor spaces to be covered.
  • Can we use umbrellas?
    Yes, umbrellas are allowed so long as weather (and wind) cooperates. Ironlight has white bistro umbrella available to rent.
  • Will you help coordinate a rain plan?
    Our staff will work with clients to develop a rain contingency plan based on type of event and number of expected guests.
  • Can we bring in heaters for the outdoor spaces?
    Propane is not allowed to travel through the building therefore no propane heaters are allowed outside at Ironlight. Electric heaters are allowed and there are outlets available outdoors. Ironlight has electric heaters that can be attached to cafe umbrellas available to rent.
  • Can the indoor space be divided?
    Yes, the indoor space includes a floor to ceiling built-in drapery that can divide the space for more intimate gatherings/breakout sessions.
  • Do you have shades?
    There are floor-to-ceiling motorized and manual shades for all windows, including the lobby, and Executive Suite.
  • What are the built-in lighting capabilities?
    Ironlight’s house lights and chandeliers can be individually controlled for basic lighting themes. We recommend bringing in a lighting vendor for theatrical lighting.


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